Do You Get Paid For Jury Duty?

Serving on a jury is a compulsory civic duty for all Americans, except when you are granted an exemption. Once you receive a summons, you may be concerned about whether you’ll be paid for serving as a prospective juror. Jury service can take several days and, in some cases, may even be just a few Read more…

Will You Get Your Bail Money Back?

Facing criminal charges is a stressful situation. Staying behind bars until court proceedings begin is not always the best strategy. Paying the bail amount is a way for you or your loved one to be released until it is time to face a judge in a court appearance. The bail amount ensures the defendant will Read more…

What Is A Bail Bond & How Do They Work?

Innocent until proven guilty is a familiar phrase one hears when talking about the criminal justice system, but what does it actually mean? Simply put, it means that a person cannot be sentenced to jail or prison until they are convicted. So in the meantime, what happens to them? Why do some people charged with Read more…