Detained vs. Arrested: Definitions & Key Differences

Understanding the difference between being detained and arrested is important, as it can have serious legal implications for those involved. Being detained means that you are temporarily prevented from leaving a certain area, while being arrested implies more severe consequences. On this page,, we’ll explore the definitions of detained vs. arrested and provide examples of Read more…

Can You Tell Cops To Get Off Your Property?

When it comes to protecting your property and asserting your rights, can you tell a law enforcement officer to get off your property? This is an important question for citizens who want to know their rights when dealing with police officers. In this article, we’ll explore the legal implications of this action in different states Read more…

Felony Examples: Common Felony Charges & Possible Penalties

Felony crimes are some of the most serious criminal offenses, and they can have long-lasting consequences. A felony conviction can result in prison time, fines, a felony criminal record that follows you for life, and more. But what exactly constitutes a felony offense? We’ll discuss some of the most common felony charges, such as murder, Read more…

Misdemeanor Examples: List Of Common Misdemeanors Inside

Have you ever wondered what misdemeanor offenses are and how they differ from felonies? Misdemeanors are less serious crimes than felony offenses but can still have serious consequences on your criminal record. They often involve minor transgressions such as driving with a suspended license or misdemeanor theft. In this blog, we’ll explore several common misdemeanor Read more…

Why Do Police Touch Your Car? 3 Simple Reasons

Have you ever been pulled over by the police and wondered why they touched your car? Although it can be an intimidating experience, most of the time, officers are just following procedure. In this blog post, we’ll look at why police touch the backs of the cars they pull over and why it is a Read more…

What Is Probable Cause? Legal Definition & Examples Inside

When it comes to criminal law, probable cause is a legal term that plays an important role in what police officers can and cannot do. It’s used to determine whether there is enough evidence for the police to arrest someone or search their home or vehicle. But what exactly does “probable cause” mean? In this Read more…

Do You Have To Identify Yourself To The Police When Stopped?

Do you have to identify yourself when the police stop you? This is an important question that many people do not know the answer to. Knowing your rights and obligations when interacting with law enforcement can be crucial to ensuring your safety and avoiding potential legal trouble. In this blog post, we will explore what Read more…

Do Police Officers Have To Identify Themselves When Asked?

Do you know if the police have to identify themselves when you ask them? As the public becomes more aware of their rights in relation to law enforcement, they are increasingly asking this question. In some countries, there are laws that require police officers to provide their identity information if asked. But do these same Read more…

Is It Worth Pressing Charges For Assault?

When you’ve been a victim of physical assault, it is natural to feel overwhelmed and unsure about what to do next. In many cases, pressing charges is the right course of action. However, making this decision is not always easy and requires careful consideration of all the factors involved. In this article, we will discuss Read more…

3 Main Types Of Ankle Monitors & How They Work

In today’s world, ankle monitors are becoming increasingly popular for a variety of reasons. From monitoring the whereabouts of those convicted of crimes to keeping tabs on people with substance abuse issues, these types of electronic devices provide an effective way to keep track of individuals in real-time. But what types of ankle monitors are Read more…