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Great Lakes Pre-Trial Confinement Facility

Prison Category: Military Prison
Phone Number
Fax Number
# of Beds
Mailing Address

Military prisons have a few unique characteristics that set them apart from traditional civilian jails and prisons. First, all inmates at a military prison have been accused of a crime while a part of a branch of the United States military. The crimes vary and could range widely, but people accused or convicted of a crime while actively serving in the military will be sent to a military prison. Remember that sometimes a military prison might also be referred to as a brig.

There are also differences in the facilities and daily operations of a military prison. The facilities at a military prison are typically very well kept because the inmates are responsible for maintaining the premises. Each inmate’s area must be kept neat and clean, and inmates can get in additional trouble for failure to maintain their area.

Lastly, there are typically fewer fights or physical altercations between inmates at military prisons. Most offenders in a military prison want to be on their best behavior, so they can be released on time. Guards are usually other military officers, so they treat the prisoners with mutual respect. While living in a military prison may not be pleasant, it is usually much better than a stay in a federal or state prison facility.

Locating An Inmate

Most military prisons do not have the ability to search for an inmate using an online inmate locator system. For that reason, locating an inmate usually requires a call to the facility. If you need to locate someone at Great Lakes Pre-Trial Confinement Facility, you should call the staff at 847-688-2157. A staff member will be able to provide the information you need. You should be prepared with the inmate’s full name, military ID number, and date of birth. If you only have the inmate’s name, the staff will still be able to help in most cases.

Upon locating the inmate, the staff may only be able to provide you with very limited information. Unlike civilian jail, many of the proceedings in a military prison are private matters. This means that the staff may not be able to provide you with information like their arrest date, court dates, or other information. They will be able to tell you whether the inmate is located at their facility, but that might be all the information you are able to get.

Visitor Information

Visitors are allowed at Great Lakes Pre-Trial Confinement Facility, although you must be on the approved visitation list before you are allowed entry into the facility. For more information on getting on the visitor list, you should call the facility at 847-688-2157. Visiting hours are usually held each day from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, and special visiting hours may be in place on Federal holidays.

You should arrive at the facility in plenty of time to sign in and prepare for the visit. No one will be allowed to enter the visitation facility within 45 minutes of the end of the scheduled visitation for the day. In addition, it can take 30 minutes or more to complete the sign-in process.

Upon your arrival, you will need to present a valid photo ID to the prison staff. Once your identity has been verified, and it has been confirmed that you are on the visitor list, you will be escorted to the visitation area. Remember that you will be searched for contraband before you enter the visitation area, so do not attempt to bring any prohibited items into the facility.

Brief physical contact at the beginning of the session is allowed, such as a hug, handshake, or brief kiss. All clothing worn to the facility must be appropriate. No see-through, revealing, obscene, excessively short, or otherwise inappropriate clothing may be worn. Failure to follow these rules will result in your removal from the facility.

Visitation sessions generally last for one hour, although they may be cut short during busy times. Visitors are allowed in on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once the visitation area is full, you will need to wait until the next visitation session begins before you are allowed into the area.

Sending Mail/Care Packages

Inmates at Great Lakes Pre-Trial Confinement Facility are allowed to receive letters and other mail from friends and family members. General correspondence is both allowed and encouraged. You should send letters to the following address:

Inmate’s Full Name
Great Lakes Pre-Trial Confinement Facility
300 Neyer Circle
Bldg 6801
Great lakes, Illinois 60088

All incoming and outgoing mail at Great Lakes Pre-Trial Confinement Facility will be examined and inspected for contraband. The safety of the prison and inmates is a top priority, so mail must be checked to ensure that nothing makes it inside the facility that could be dangerous. Inmates may also send outgoing mail, and they can purchase stamps and stationery at the commissary. As long as they have enough money for postage, they can send an unlimited number of outgoing letters.

Packages are allowed, but they should not be sent from a private individual. All packages coming into the facility should be shipped directly from the supplier. Even packages that come from a supplier will still be subject to inspection upon their arrival. For the most up-to-date list of approved items, you should contact the facility at 847-688-2157.

Phone Calls

Inmates at Great Lakes Pre-Trial Confinement Facility are allowed to make phone calls, much like the process at a federal prison or a state prison. Phones are not available at all times, and access to the phones is strictly monitored. Since the hours the phones are available can vary from day to day, no specific details will be included here regarding hours of availability.

Prisoners must either place collect calls or pay for the outgoing calls using money on their account. Calls are generally limited to 30 minutes, although they may be limited to as few as 10 minutes during busy times. Access to phones is a privilege, not a right. This means that phone privileges may be revoked for bad behavior or failure to comply with the phone rules.

Incoming calls for inmates at Great Lakes Pre-Trial Confinement Facility are not allowed. If there is an emergency, such as a death in the family, that requires immediate contact with an inmate, you should call the facility at 847-688-2157. You can leave a message for the inmate, and that message will be passed along to them as soon as possible.

Sending Money

Military prisons often have fairly large commissaries where inmates can shop and purchase goods and personal items. Great Lakes Pre-Trial Confinement Facility has a commissary and allows for deposits into an inmate’s account for shopping. If you wish to deposit money into an inmate’s account, you should bring cash or money order to the facility at 300 Neyer Circle Bldg 6801 Great lakes, Illinois 60088. You may also deposit money into the account during visitation hours. You will need the inmate’s full name when depositing money.

Do not mail any funds to the facility. Money contained in incoming mail cannot be processed by the facility staff. If you send money to the facility through the mail, it will be returned to you. Sending cash could result in the money being lost or stolen, so you should never send cash through the mail for any reason.

Rehabilitation Programs Offered At Great Lakes Pre-Trial Confinement Facility

Great Lakes Pre-Trial Confinement Facility has a limited number of rehabilitation programs that are offered to inmates. Since military prisons typically have more inmate involvement in the day-to-day activities of the facility than civilian prisons, there is not as much need for rehabilitation programs. Substance abuse programs are available for those who need help with addiction.

Similarly, mental health programs are available. Since many of the inmates in military prisons suffer from mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, PTSD, and others, these inmates have access to the mental health care they need. In some cases, inmates may be required to participate in certain programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is military prison different?

Military prison is different from civilian prison in a number of ways. First, the facilities are usually much neater and cleaner. This is because the inmates themselves are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the facility. Failure to properly maintain one’s area or falling behind on other duties can result in harsh penalties.

Guards in a military prison usually take their job much more seriously than many guards in civilian prisons. While many civilian guards are simply there to earn a paycheck, military guards are usually military officers who have been assigned to guard duty. They take these duties very seriously, and any rule-breaking or fighting is promptly dealt with.

What do military inmates wear?

Military inmates typically wear trousers and a shirt while in prison. The color of the uniform usually signifies whether the prisoner has already been to trial or is awaiting trial. Post-trial inmates usually wear dark brown uniforms, while those awaiting trial are dressed in tan uniforms. Those inmates who are in trustee custody usually wear a distinctive blue shirt and trousers uniform. You should be able to quickly tell the status of an inmate by looking at the color of the uniform they are wearing.

What happens when a soldier is court-martialed?

A court-martial occurs when a military member has been accused of a crime while actively serving in the military. Usually, these proceedings are reserved for people who have been accused of a serious crime, like treason. The proceedings are similar to court proceedings for a civilian who has been accused of a serious crime.

If the military member is found guilty of the crime, punishment can vary greatly. They may be demoted, have their pay lowered, be forced to pay fines, placed into military jail, sentenced to hard labor, or be dishonorably discharged from the military. If you are required to go through court-martial proceedings, then you have been accused of a serious crime against the government.

What happens if you are dishonorably discharged?

A dishonorable discharge is one of the worst ways to end your military career. The effects of a dishonorable discharge can be long-lasting and wide-reaching. Being dishonorably discharged can affect your ability to gain future employment, your right to bear arms, your right to enter certain Federal facilities, and other civilian rights. In addition, you will lose your veterans’ benefits and service history with the military. You could even spend time in jail as a result of your actions.

Who presides over military tribunals?

A military judge presides over military tribunals. The accused may request that a panel of military members preside over the hearings, or a single military judge may preside over the proceedings instead. Per the accused’s request, the panel must consist of at least one-third of enlisted military members. Most of the time, it is a military judge who will handle the proceedings and determine the guilt or innocence of the accused.

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